6 Ways To Clean Your Jewelry From COVID-19 Jun 23, 2020FashionRead MoreBy now, your new quarantine routine likely includes wiping down household surfaces daily, not to mention washing your sheets more often and must clean your jewelry and devices such as phones and tablets. But your cleaning habits should also extend to your watches and jewelry. Here are 6 Ways To Clean Your Jewelry From COVID-19.
5 Safety Tips For Your Jewelry During COVID-19 Jun 10, 2020FashionRead MoreFrom the introduction of recommended personal hygiene practices to protect yourself and others and also your jewelry from COVID-19, you have probably been or should be washing your hands frequently. Here are 5 Safety Tips For Your Jewelry During COVID-19.
10 Safety and Security Tips for Re-opening Your Business After COVID-19 Jun 8, 2020FashionRead MoreAfter a long hiatus from your jewelry business, we know you are eager to open your doors and get back to serving your customers. Here are the 10 Safety and Security Tips for Re-opening Your Business After COVID-19.
9 Tips To Build Jewelry Business Amidst Covid19 Shutdown Jun 4, 2020FashionRead MoreWhatever stage of lockdown your area is in, if you’re unable to work in your studio during this crisis, it is a great time to focus on your jewelry business. Here are the 9 Tips To Build Jewelry Business Amidst Covid19 Shutdown.
Things You Need To Know About Corona Virus and Your Jewelry May 28, 2020FashionRead MoreIf wearing jewelry is part of your everyday routine, you might be wondering if you should wear it, what effect excessive hand sanitizing has (if any) and best practices for keeping yourself and others around you healthy due to Corona Virus. Here are the Things You Need To Know About Corona Virus and Your Jewelry.
Keeping Jewelry Customers during the Coronavirus Crisis May 22, 2020FashionRead MoreEven if you need to close due to health and safety concerns, there are ways to keep serving your jewelry customers during the coronavirus outbreak. Here is Keeping Jewelry Customers during the Coronavirus Crisis.
9 Tips for Jewelry Artists Doing Business During COVID-19 May 15, 2020NewsRead MoreDuring the COVID-19 shut-down and shelter-at-home initiative this year, jewelry artists and sellers had to learn new ways to sell and connect. Video has taken center stage, largely as a result of the sudden inability to connect face to face. Here are 9 Tips for Jewelry Artists Doing Business During COVID-19.
5 Ways to Bring Jewelry Business Online Amidst COVID-19 May 4, 2020NewsRead More With the Covid19 outbreak cutting into many jewelers’ ability to conduct business person-to-person, there are many ways to bring your jewelry business online. And getting comfortable selling virtually is critical to keeping your store open and continuing to care for your customers. Here are 5 Ways to Bring Jewelry Business Online Amidst COVID-19.
9 Tips to Support Businesses Online During Covid19 Apr 22, 2020NewsRead MoreMany small businesses including jewelry businesses, retail stores, and creatives have already started to feel the impact of the Coronavirus—from closing their doors to reduced sales to entire industries having to put a pause on things. Here are 9 Tips to Support Businesses Online During Covid19.
Advantages of Buying Engagement Rings Online Amidst Covid19 Apr 14, 2020NewsRead MoreYou are probably aware that the world is undergoing an unprecedented period of time with the COVID-19 pandemic. And like many other businesses around the world, the jewelry industry has not been spared by the outbreak. But what if you need to buy a diamond engagement ring even in a nationwide lockdown situation? These days, […]